Sunday, January 22, 2012

Stenciled Scrapbook Cover Page

Dublin, Ireland

When scrapbooking, I like to have a cover page for all of my projects.  For this book, I used a stencil and cursive writing to make the cover page.  Here is how I did it:

1.  Chose two pieces of 12 x 12 paper.
2.  On a piece of of scrap paper stencil your heading using pencil.  
3.  In the center of the heading write a sub heading using pencil.  When you feel it looks right, outline the heading in marker.  
4.  Use chalk to shade in the middle.  I used two different colors to add contrast. 
5.  Tear parts of one 12 x 12 paper to put on top of the other piece.   
6. Cut die cuts outs using scraps of the bottom 12 x 12 and tape to your project (see my post on saving paper for instructions).


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